»COMA – THE SEA« von Florian Maubach gewinnt den GOLDEN ELEPHANT AWARD als bestes Musikvideo auf dem Short Film Breaks 2017. Verdient, verdient! 🏆
Winner in our MUSIC VIDEO category and of the #GoldenElephant for BEST MUSIC VIDEO is…
Directed by: Florian Maubach
Über Short Break Films
Short Film Breaks is the only film festival taking place in private companies.
We started in 2013, with screenings over a three months period for the 1000 Ipsos employees in Bucharest and Brasov. Our first edition also had special events and Q&A with guests from the Romanian filmmaking industry like Tudor Giurgiu, Adrian Sitaru or Tom Wilson, among others. […]
In 2017 we added an online festival, i-Say Short Film Breaks, to our live screenings. The i-Say website and the i-Say Facebook page were the only places where the i-Say panel members watched the SFB films, online. We also opened our doors to a new range of films and filmmakers. From the total number of 2403 films received across all platforms, we accepted 118.
( Quelle: http://www.shortfilmbreaks.com/ )