Gestern wurde die Welturaufführung des Kurzfilms »Sog« von Jonatan Schwenk auf dem Filmfestival ANIMAFEST in Zagreb, Kroatien, gefeiert.
»Yesterday was the world premiere of SOG at the World Festival Of Animated Film ANIMAFEST ZAGREB 2017. What a wonderful and well-organized festival! We are proud to be part of such a great program!«
– Jonatan Schwenk
About Animfest Zagreb 2017
Zagreb, 5. June 2017 – With the opening ceremony held tonight at Europea cinema at 27th World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb has officialy started its programme which will last from 5–10 June and present 350 animated films in cinemas Europa, Tuškanac and Kinoteka. Deputy Mayor of the City of Zagreb Jelena Pavičić Vukičević on behalf of the Mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandić, opened the festival.
Zagreb has been a proud host of Animafest since 1972 and we hope it will stay that way for a long time. It makes this city a special cultural destination for all animation aficianados. Next five days will be filled with wonderful films and I hope that all screenings will be as well attended as the one today. Thank you all for coming and I hereby declare Animafest Zagreb 2017 open!
– said Pavičć Vukičć.
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